Imagine a new colleague in the position of an assistant professor (including research and teaching time) with the ambition to stay in academia. She was assigned quite some teaching tasks, which she wholeheartedly commits to. As she is not familiar with the curriculum, she needs to invest quite some time to give the teaching the quality that is expected, which she herself also finds very important. Therefore, all the time that she is paid for by her employer, she devotes to teaching.
Halleh Ghorashi over de balans tussen maatschappelijk engagement en neutraliteit in de sociologie.
Afgelopen juli heb ik met veel plezier deelgenomen aan de zomerschool Epistemologies of the South georganiseerd door het Centre of Social Sciences van de Universiteit van Coimbra. Tijdens lezingen en creatieve workshops kreeg ik de gelegenheid om veertig wetenschappers, activisten en kunstenaars uit de hele wereld te ontmoeten.