Salo’s legacy is a feminist approach to power relations implicit in the research process. Her work includes a humbler understanding of methodology as a path to “recuperates and celebrates marginalised knowledges” (p.102) in the African continent.
Cusicanqui´s work and practices are an example of how decolonization must go beyond a theoretical proposition, but it should also be embodied, individually and collectively, as a constant struggle for justice and freedom.
Mudimbe´s work on African philosophy offers a critical perspective of the Western construction of Africa as a process that reflects the intimate relation between knowledge and power, where Africa is seen as the ‘other’.
Barbara Harrell-Bond founded the Refugee Studies Center at Oxford in 1982 and directed it until 1996. Her work in the negative impacts of a non-reflective humanitarian approach to refugees has been quintessential in refugee studies.
Avtar Brah’s work on identity and belonging has been quite inspiring for the rethinking of home in relation to displacement as something that does not need to be limited to physical displacement.
It was in the 1990s that I, as a beginning scholar doing research about identity, home and belonging, came across Liisa Malkki’s groundbreaking work, which provided me an in-depth understanding and theoretical frame for studying home and belonging in relation to refugees.